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SMW-Autoblok has transformed from a manufacturer of high precision workholding hardware into a comprehensive provider of turnkey solutions encompassing hardware, software, and electronic components. With the establishment of the new business unit SMW-Electronics, the company has expanded and consolidated its product offerings in mechatronics, contactless transmission systems, sensor technology, and software to foster greater synergies. Under the umbrella of SMW-Electronics, the product portfolio encompasses a wide array of advanced technologies. This includes Inductive Couplers that enable wireless transmission of both energy and signals, Sensoric solutions for precise data acquisition, Measuring Systems for accurate measurements, Connectivity options for seamless integration, and Digital Products that leverage cutting-edge software capabilities. By diversifying its scope and integrating various technological domains, SMW-Autoblok's SMW-Electronics division aims to provide customers with holistic solutions that cater to their specific needs. This strategic shift positions SMW-Autoblok as a leading player in the industry, able to offer comprehensive and innovative solutions for a wide range of applications.