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pi-top is a renowned company that specializes in creating educational technology products for students and educators. Their flagship product, also named pi-top, is a modular laptop powered by Raspberry Pi. The pi-top laptop features a unique design that allows users to easily customize and upgrade their device, fostering a hands-on learning experience. With an emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education, pi-top provides a range of resources and software tools to support project-based learning. These include coding platforms, 3D printing software, and electronics components. pi-top's mission is to empower learners to develop their digital skills and explore the world of technology. They offer comprehensive educational kits, teacher training programs, and curriculum materials to help integrate their technology into classrooms. By combining hardware, software, and educational content, pi-top enables students to engage in creative problem-solving and gain practical knowledge in various disciplines. With a global community of educators and learners, pi-top continues to inspire innovation and equip the next generation with the skills needed for the digital age.