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EnOcean is a renowned company that specializes in energy harvesting wireless technology for self-powered IoT (Internet of Things) systems. Their innovative solutions enable devices to operate without the need for batteries or external power sources, harnessing energy from the surrounding environment. EnOcean's portfolio includes energy harvesting modules, wireless switches, sensors, and controllers, which can be seamlessly integrated into various smart building applications, such as lighting control, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and occupancy sensing. Their energy-efficient products are designed to enhance sustainability, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall comfort and convenience in buildings. EnOcean's wireless technology is based on open standards, allowing for interoperability and easy integration with other IoT platforms and solutions. With a commitment to eco-friendliness and efficiency, EnOcean continues to revolutionize the IoT industry by providing innovative and reliable self-powered wireless solutions for smart buildings and beyond.